Friday, August 8, 2008

wht people want

guys, this blog is all about one's wish , dreams and their zest in life. this earth has all variety of people, having their own mindsets, own priorities and of course their own upbringings. these all factors shape a person's today and tomorrow if not necessary their past. what i wish to say is some people who are often termed as terrorists and generally ousted from the civilized people's society are not themselves alone the cause of being what they are. rather these self proclaimed civilized people may be equally responsible for their status and inhuman behavior one way or the other. wel, i knw that i am not very gud at conveying my thoughts to public and excuse me if u feel confused after reading this blog. but all i wish to say that we shouldn't blindly blame some people for all the notoriousness and chaos spreading in the world like i myself used to do some times back. somehow , somewhere we sane people are also responsible for this happenings .

think about it.


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